What Is The Proper Height For LED Grow Lights To Hang?

Lily Zhang
3 min readJan 22, 2022

Do I need to adjust the height of LED Grow Lights as the plants grow?

Light environment is one of the important physical environment factors indispensable for plant growth and development, and it is an important technology in the field of facility cultivation to control plant morphology through light quality regulation. LED grow lights provide photosynthesis to plants, promote plant growth, shorten the time for plant flowering and fruiting, and improve production! However, when the plant is close to the LED grow lights, it will receive more intense light and unless you adjust the height of the grow light, you may get the plant burned. So, as the plants grow, you will need to adjust the height of the grow light.

The effect of light intensity on plants

The strength of photosynthesis in plants is closely related to the intensity of light, but different plants require different light intensities. The unit of light intensity is lux, which can be expressed in three values: light compensation point, light saturation point and light and intensity (i.e. assimilation rate). Light compensation point is the point at which plants make nutrients by photosynthesis equal to the nutrients by respiration under certain light conditions. The light saturation point is the plant under certain light intensity conditions, its photosynthesis reaches its highest point, light and intensity is the weight of carbon dioxide assimilated per unit of leaf area in each hour.

How much light intensity do the plants you grow receive at each height?

For LED plant lights: You need to (roughly) figure out how much light your plants are receiving and compare that number to the light they should be receiving.

Most manufacturers provide light intensity measurements for several relevant heights above the plant. If you can’t find a light intensity measurement from one of these manufacturers, you can purchase a plant spectrum tester to measure it yourself.

Unlike plant spectrum testers, Lux meters are very inexpensive, and in general, these values are positively correlated and can be used as a reference. Purchase an illuminance meter and measure how many lux your plants are receiving at the current distance from the grow lights, this can be a great way to adjust the hanging height.

How many micromoles of light do cannabis plants need at each stage of growth?

Plants in the seedling stage require between 200–300 uMol/sec;

Nutritional stage plants receiving 18 hours of light should receive between 306 and 617 uMol/sec;

Flowering plants receiving 12 hours of light should receive between 460 and 925 uMol/s.

If your plants are currently receiving light intensities within these ranges, there is no need to adjust the height of the grow light; below this range, you will need to move the grow light closer to the plant, and above this range, you will need to move the grow light further away from the plant.

Remember, higher light intensity = higher yield. Each grows light has different intensity at a given height, which is why it is important to approximate these numbers by looking at the chart provided by the manufacturer or by using an illuminance meter.

We are a LED grow lights supplier, please feel free to contact us if you need them.



Lily Zhang

Led Grow Lights Manufacturer, Shenzhen Wonderful Electronic Co., Ltd.